Virtual Environments

Clients       Case Studies

When the United States was preparing for DESERT STORM in the Persian Gulf, L N K Corporation was called on to produce Three Dimensional Computer Models and Simulations of TERRAIN so that American forces could see what type of terrain, landscapes and obstacles they were likely to encounter when driving their tanks or flying their airplanes. These 3D computer models and simulations could be interacted with in training exercises with "fly overs" showing the 3D terrain. The models and simulations were produced from Defense Mapping Agency Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)and Digital Interim Terrain Data(ITD), digital map data and other Remotely Sensed satellite data. LNK produced similar data bases for incorporation in computer image generation systems when crises occurred in North Korea and Bosnia. This type of 3D simulation and modeling allows visualization and interaction.

In a NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract, we applied these capabilities to 3D visualization for Flood Hazard Mitigation after natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes and seismic events. Using NASA remotely sensed satellite data the 3D visualizations make it easier for municipal and state authorities to visualize, in 3 dimensional computer presentations, the results of various reconstruction proposals and actually modify them interactively. This capability promotes better, informed decisions.

The LNK team of research scientists, Software developers, and information technology specialists has made LNK a leader in digital cartography, synthetic environments/virtual reality,Distributed simulations and systems/subsystems design and development. LNK offers full service commitment and middleware support to clients in sales, support, consulting, training and application development of various commercially available software products.